S3DOC eSign

  • February 14th, 2025
  • News
  • Robert Pardela

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S3DOC eSign

Module description

eSign is a module of the S3DOC system which enables making declarations of will in electronic form. It is a quick signature mode allowing to sign civil law contracts in electronic form in a few minutes. To confirm declarations of intent we use one-time authorisation codes sent to the recipient by means of electronic communication such as SMS or e-mail.

This mode of electronic signature is available for all documents recorded on a durable S3DOC medium.

The solution is addressed to all companies whose activity does not require making declarations of will in the form of a signature on a paper document. Thanks to the use of the S3DOC eSign module it is possible to reduce the costs of operating activity by eliminating correspondence in the paper form.

We support the digital transformation of companies.


Benefits of using the module

  1. Compliance with EU and Polish legal regulations
  2. the document can be signed in a few minutes
  3. Possibility of sending a document for acceptance/signature by e-mail or SMS
  4. All documents are supplied on a durable medium in accordance with EU and Polish legal regulations.
  5. Full information on the issuer, the recipient, the decision taken by the recipient, and the time taken
  6. One-time authorisation code confirming the declaration of intent
  7. Full history of document handling: when it was added to the durable medium repository, when the S3DOC eSign link was generated, when the recipient opened the link, and which (and when) decision was made with which authorisation code the declaration of will was confirmed.


How does it work?

The S3DOC eSign module allows you to prepare a special unique URL link to a document saved on a durable S3DOC eSign medium. The link has cryptographic coded information about the issuer of the document, the content of the document, the way of delivering the authorization code to the recipient, the recipient’s ID and the time of creating the link. The created link can then be sent to the recipient (via SMS, email, instant messenger or other electronic medium). After clicking on the link, you can view the document’s metric and see the full content of the document. There are also options related to possible decisions e.g. “sign the document” or “reject the document”. Decisions can be confirmed with an additional one-time authorisation code sent to the recipient automatically by the S3DOC eSign system, via SMS or e-mail. All operations and decisions are saved on the Blockchain platform in a way that ensures the invariability of the saved data.


Legal basis

The legal basis for such IT solutions is the EU regulation – eIDAS.

eIDAS is the EU Regulation of 2014. It regulates, among others, issues related to electronic signature in relation to electronic transactions. The regulation defines 3 types of electronic signatures: “ordinary”, advanced and qualified. The former is already sufficient to make declarations of intent.

Definition of a simple electronic signature: “Electronic signature’ means data in electronic form which are attached to or logically associated with other data in electronic form and which are used by the signatory as a signature;

This means that, according to the eIDAS Regulation, an electronic signature is a means of establishing that certain data in electronic form are attached to or logically associated with other data in electronic form in order for an individual to sign.

Polish law also provides for making declarations of will in electronic form.

Article 60. Civil Code

Form of declaration of intent

Subject to the exceptions provided for in the Act, the will of a person performing a legal action may be expressed by any behaviour of that person which sufficiently reveals his will, including disclosure of that will in electronic form (declaration of will).

Robert Pardela