S3DOC – durable medium for e-commerce

  • October 17th, 2024
  • News
  • Robert Pardela

Wersja polska: https://bchainpartner.com/s3doc—trwaly-nosnik-dla-e-commerce/


BCHAIN PARTNER was a partner of the last e-commerce summit.

At the conference we talked about a sustainable medium for the e-commerce industry.

Everybody has heard about a durable medium in banks, but in e-commerce? We have in Poland the Act on Consumer Rights, which requires the use of a durable medium in contracts concluded away from business premises or at a distance (Chapter 3 of the Act).
The consumer must accept the rules of online services if he wants to use them. Should such regulations be delivered on a durable medium? Of course, yes.

It should be remembered that according to the definition of a durable medium, such features are not fulfilled by the website. Such solutions are not accepted by UOKiK.

If you want more information, please contact us and visit https://s3doc.com.

Robert Pardela

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